Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ghostbusters and You

In the 1980's movie Ghostbusters, the motto of the Ghostbusters is "We're ready to believe you!" What does this have to do with you? We'll I've noticed that as I read newspapers, listen to the radio, talk to friends, watch T.V. that there is a lot of skepticism in our personal and social conversations. So, why aren't we ready to believe people?

When someone says, "This is my experience." It is saddening that so often our response is one of doubt. We reply with things like, "Have you thought about.." "That's because you..." "I don't think they meant that when..." We question if people really understand their own experience. We do this with children all the time, but it has been done to minorities, women, homosexuals, Christians, Muslims, atheists, the elderly, you, me, anyone and everyone.

Personally, I've decided that being skeptical takes just too much energy. Doubt is like a worm which eats away at your ability to trust. I've decided that "I'm ready to believe you."


At 11:37 AM , Blogger SN said...

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At 11:37 AM , Blogger SN said...

i really liked this entry. i've been kinda thinking the same sort of things lately. it's just easier if you trust people no matter who they are. sometimes you might get screwed, or hurt, or whatever, but its still easier to trust than to live in a world of fear and questioning... --sn


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