Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Live a Pretty Interesting Life

There are some people in my life who lead pretty boring lives. Not that I actually think they are boring, but that they do. They are just not even interested in their own lives! What a tragedy! You should at least be interesting their your own life. If you're not, then you should go do something about it. Without seeming too self-inflated, here's a list of things about my life that interest me. I suggest you make a list of your own. I'd love to read it.

(In no particular order)

-I have run a marathon.
-I have learned French, which I intentionally forgot and je regrette.
-I have learned Biblical Greek.
-I have learned Biblical Hebrew.
-I can juggle.
-I dated six girls and married the best one.
-I taught myself to play the guitar.
-I can read big, long books. And I like it.
-I can turn my tongue upside down.
-I taught myself to type, but not until I was a senior in college.
-As a child, I slid on the ice, hit my head, had a ceasure and had to wear medical dog tags for two years.
-I went sledding once and ran into a cement bench.
-I have been to Alaska, Mexico, and Argentina.
-I have shaken hands with Dudley Moore.
-I have shaken hands with Robert Shuller Sr.
-I have shaken hands with Chiam Potok.
-I named my cat Potok.
-I have been given a car.
-I ran cross country, track (I could high jump over 5' 10") and did diving.
-I would be satisfied if chocolate chip cookies were the only kind of cookie there were.
-I can do a tri-pod and a duo-pod.
-I spent a summer living in Colorado.
-I have had my bike stolen. Twice.
-My family was once robbed. On Superbowl Sunday. While we were at evening church.

As you can see, I could go on forever. I hope you are as interested in your life as I am in mine.


At 10:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like quiet and solitude
I've shaken hands with Bozo
I grew up in the same church with all my relatives.
I can spell the word "seizure".:)
I have worked with 5 theaters.
I can bake bread.
I can take good photos of fruits and vegetables.
I have given birth 3 times without painkillers.
I believe you get close to God when you garden, but it is hard to get the dirt out from under your fingernails.
I am simplfying my life.
I rode in a convertible in a parade.
I've been in 2 movies.
I like climbing trees.
I have to eat good bread every day.
I dance to music when I'm alone.


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