Saturday, January 21, 2006

Finding What You're Looking For

It's amazing that we usually find what we're looking for. But what about God? Sometimes I expect that God will just show up, which is silly because if I can't find my car keys without looking for them, what makes me think that I'll find God without the effort of searching. While God may not have slipped out of my pocket and between the couch cushions, God is probably closer that we expect. All we have to do is look.

Last night, snow, lots of snow, fell upon the little city of Grand Haven. This morning the sun came out and is creating a second snowing as the accumulation on the branches, cars, and houses melts and drips and falls to the ground. What was really amazing that I saw a tree breathing. The sun shone on the bark with such intensity that tree heated up and the moisture turned into steam.

Is this God? No. I mean, let's not be crazy. I don't think that God is the steam from a tree outside a coffee shop in a city on the Lake Michigan coast. But it was beautiful. It was mysterious. It was a new experience, and I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been looking for God. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if you're looking for God, and never find what you expect to, you're still going to find some amazing things. But you do have to look.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Getting Exactly What I Want

I didn't want to tell you this before the Holidays, but I had a new theme for this Christmas. It was, Getting Exactly What I Wanted. I know what you're thinking, "What about babyjesus?" Well he was still central and as important as every. But I thought that it had been many years since I had really had expectations about what kind of presents I was going to get. Usually I think, "Whatever I receive will be nice. It was given in love and that is what matters." No longer. Give me the good stuff.

I am happy to report that Christmas 05 did not disappoint. My premier gift was socks. I know it is a stereotypically poor present, but I needed them. My parents graced me with 14 wonderful pairs of socks. No longer will my otherwise excellent outfits be ruined by a pair of white athletic socks. Browns, grays, tans, blue, they were all there. My feet feel like two superstars.

The second gift that made Christmas 05 one of the best was video editing software. I am slowing learning how to use it, but, and no promises here, if I figure out how to publish to the web, maybe you'll see some of the fruits of this gift here.

One last note: far I am just loving it.